
  • Planning on sending the party out to Conyberry on Sister Garaele’s errand? Reward a player for their choices at character creation. Allow characters proficient in History to recall the following poem about Agatha the Banshee. If none of the characters are proficient in History, perhaps they hear the resident entertainer at the Stonehill Inn singing…

  • The friendly neighborhood Uthgardt barbarians in Phandalin’s corner of the world are the Gray Wolf tribe, notable for the lycanthropy that afflicts their tribe. If you’re a Harry Potter fan, their attitude toward their affliction is akin to that of Fenrir Greyback, in that they fully embrace their lycanthropy. It’s a feature, not a bug.…

  • I played D&D tonight. It was at a brewery I could walk to. I had a few hazies. I’m having a hard time stringing coherent ideas together. That means it’s time for random thoughts! Tonight, let’s think on Conyberry.