Planning on sending the party out to Conyberry on Sister Garaele’s errand? Reward a player for their choices at character creation.

Allow characters proficient in History to recall the following poem about Agatha the Banshee. If none of the characters are proficient in History, perhaps they hear the resident entertainer at the Stonehill Inn singing this one while his viol gently weeps:

Agatha's Wail
Out by the Cony Gap there’s a rent in the air
A heart-stopping shriek that tells you she’s there
Some folk will tell you the old town is cursed
But her grove in the Wood is by far much worse
Have you seen her? This luminous wraith?
The gods gave her beauty, then took it away
Don't tarry too long. Just stick to the trail.
Or the last thing you'll hear is Agatha's wail.

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