Faerûn Funny Money

Here on Earth, imagine making a cash purchase where, instead of paying with legal tender, you tried to make the transaction with Spanish gold doubloons. “While I realize this particular doubloon is not of exceptional quality or rarity, Carter, I can still get $329 for it on eBay. So, the change for my Happy Meal should come to approximately $322.71. Wait, no. Carter. Carterrr. I don’t see why you need to speak with your manager, Carter.”

The way I see it, the equivalent of this in Faerûn would be electrum and platinum pieces. There’s a tendency for many folks to just hand-wave this form of currency when they’re found as part of a loot drop, immediately assigning these coins their value in gold instead and therefore removing a fun challenge to present players with.

From the Player’s Handbook:

Unusual coins made of other precious metals sometimes appear in treasure hoards. The electrum piece (ep) and the platinum piece (pp) originate from fallen empires and lost kingdoms, and they sometimes arouse suspicion and skepticism when used in transactions. An electrum piece is worth five silver pieces, and a platinum piece is worth ten gold pieces.

This is your opportunity to offer a convincing roleplay moment in your game! The barmaid who sees the treasure pile in the middle of the party’s common room table, spots the silver-gold electrum coins with worn faces, and inquires about what they are. The shop owner who tests the coin on his teeth, then eyes it dubiously when payment for his goods include platinum coins. The armorer or weaponsmith who knows exactly what these coins are, but refuses to accept them as payment, because “what in the hells am I going to do with all of those? Do I look like a bank?”

There are 712 ep and 20 pp coins in total to be found in Lost Mine of Phandelver. There are another 120 ep in Dragon of Icespire Peak. Make it a challenge to spend this loot!

When players try to spend these uncommon coins, require a DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion) check to convince the person at the other end of the transaction to accept them as payment. For any purchases above 20 gp in value, impose disadvantage on the check! This is an opportunity for players to use inspiration and flex their roleplaying skills (and yours!).

If you’d like to support my work, please consider downloading my latest title on the Dungeon Master’s Guild, Between The High Road & The Long Road. All of my titles on Dungeon Master’s Guild are free/PWYW. Thanks for reading!

One response to “Faerûn Funny Money”

  1. I know there’s no reason to pretend that D&D has anything to do with the real world history but I have a hard time imagining how commerce worked before paper money


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