Umbrage Hill

  • So, why would an annis hag take up residence at Umbrage Hill? This may come as a surprise to you, but I have some thoughts: Proximity to Phandalin. Adabra’s windmill is located in the shadow the Sword Mountains, atop a hill five miles south of Phandalin. Though not specifically stated in adventure, the faint outline…

  • If Adabra Gwynn were an annis hag, who would she take an interest in among Phandalin’s children? I think the ideal target for a hag would be Nars Dendrar, who is dealing with a lot in his life by the time the characters reach Phandalin. Needless to say, Nars has been through a lot in…

  • Wait, WAIT…hold up. Shower thought. Is Adabra Gwynn a hag? No really, humor me here. She’s a human commoner who lives by herself in the shadow of the Sword Mountains, five miles south of Phandalin where a young white dragon has sent the locals into a panic. There are also manticores, roaming bands of orcs, ogres,…