
  • If you’re an experienced Dungeon Master running Lost Mine of Phandelver and looking for ways to make Venomfang more interesting or challenging for the party’s errand to Thundertree, consider using the variant rule for dragons as innate spellcasters, as described in the Monster Manual: Dragons are innately magical creatures that can master a few spells…

  • I am the father of teenagers, and the weirdest part about the whole experience has been watching my kids go through growth spurts. For instance, my eldest son is now taller than me, seemingly overnight. I assume it explains why he suddenly sleeps and eats so much lately. Now apply that to a young green…

  • Who was Venomfang’s sire? Who was his mother? According to Forgotten Realms lore, there are only three green dragons who have inhabited the region of the Sword Coast as it is shown in Lost Mine of Phandelver: There’s Venomfang, the young green dragon residing in Thundertree. There’s Claugiyliamatar, otherwise known as “Old Gnawbone,” an ancient…

  • Palien, the Neverwinter hero who defeated several Neverwinter Wood monsters around the time of Thundertree’s founding appears to be a historical figure created specifically for Lost Mine of Phandelver. There’s no mention of this hero in Realmslore prior to the adventure’s publication. So when the characters come across the weathered, leaning wooden statue dedicated to…

  • At the conclusion of yesterday’s thoughts, I floated the idea of Venomfang as a quest-giver, using the dragon’s knowledge of the nearby Neverwinter Wood as a bargaining chip to convince the party to destroy the Gulthias tree out at the Woodland Manse. For years, the tree has spawned blights, and now they are overrunning his…

  • When most people think of Thundertree, a young green dragon by the name of Venomfang comes to mind. But there’s a larger problem lurking within the ruins of the abandoned timber town, which is: Thundertree has a whole lot of twig blights. Twenty-four by my count. What do we know about blights? A Gulthias tree was a…

  • Her husband has been murdered, and now Mirna Dendrar and her children are captives of the Redbrands. Depending on whether you’re playing Lost Mine of Phandelver or the more recent adaptation, Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk, the Dendrar family will either be trafficked by their captors, or they will be held for a ransom…