Mirna Dendrar

  • One last thought on Mirna’s precious heirloom, a gold necklace with a fine emerald pendant worth 250 gp hidden somewhere in the ruins of Thundertree. Yesterday I proposed the idea that perhaps Mirna uses the heirloom in an attempt to pay for her family’s freedom while in Redbrand captivity. But there’s another practical use for…

  • Her husband has been murdered, and now Mirna Dendrar and her children are captives of the Redbrands. Depending on whether you’re playing Lost Mine of Phandelver or the more recent adaptation, Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk, the Dendrar family will either be trafficked by their captors, or they will be held for a ransom…

  • Wait, WAIT…hold up. Shower thought. Is Mirna Dendrar a half-elf? No really, humor me here. Lost Mine of Phandelver, and its updated adaptation Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk, both take place in 1491 DR. Mirna was a resident of Thudertree when a herd of zombies overran it in 1451 DR, forcing her family to flee…