Dragon Barrow

  • Both Lost Mine of Phandelver and Dragon of Icespire Peak contain magic items to outfit a classic dragon slaying hero. In LMoP, Dragonguard lays forgotten for centuries in Wave Echo Cave. It’s a magical breast plate which grants its wearer a bonus to their armor class and advantage on saving throws against the breath weapon…

  • Wait, WAIT…hold up. Has anyone actually looked at the Dragon Barrow map and done some math? Based on my calculations, Azdraka was MASSIVE. It’s not hyperbole to say that he may have been the largest dragon in Faerûn. The largest dragon in FANTASY. Larger than Smaug! Larger than Balerion the Black Dread! From snout to tail,…

  • One of the fun things about writing this blog has been delving into Forgotten Realms lore from previous editions of the game. In much the same way fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons streamlined its rule set from previous editions, the game has been efficient with lore as well. There’s a bit left unsaid. For instance,…

  • Who was Venomfang’s sire? Who was his mother? According to Forgotten Realms lore, there are only three green dragons who have inhabited the region of the Sword Coast as it is shown in Lost Mine of Phandelver: There’s Venomfang, the young green dragon residing in Thundertree. There’s Claugiyliamatar, otherwise known as “Old Gnawbone,” an ancient…