Adabra Gwynn

  • If one were to run with the premise that Auntie Adabra was the driving force behind the bloodshed at Umbrage Hill (as I did earlier this week), you could keep pulling at that thread and build the annis hag into a destructive force among other societies that have fallen into ruin beneath the shadows of…

  • Tainted well water sickens several dozen townsfolk as Phandalin is afflicted by sight rot, a painful infection which causes bleeding from the eyes and eventually blinds the victim. Sister Garaele has the divine means to help cure those with the infection, but there are only so many townsfolk suffering from the disease that she can…

  • So, why would an annis hag take up residence at Umbrage Hill? This may come as a surprise to you, but I have some thoughts: Proximity to Phandalin. Adabra’s windmill is located in the shadow the Sword Mountains, atop a hill five miles south of Phandalin. Though not specifically stated in adventure, the faint outline…

  • If Adabra Gwynn were an annis hag, who would she take an interest in among Phandalin’s children? I think the ideal target for a hag would be Nars Dendrar, who is dealing with a lot in his life by the time the characters reach Phandalin. Needless to say, Nars has been through a lot in…

  • Wait, WAIT…hold up. Shower thought. Is Adabra Gwynn a hag? No really, humor me here. She’s a human commoner who lives by herself in the shadow of the Sword Mountains, five miles south of Phandalin where a young white dragon has sent the locals into a panic. There are also manticores, roaming bands of orcs, ogres,…