Venomfang The Spellcaster

If you’re an experienced Dungeon Master running Lost Mine of Phandelver and looking for ways to make Venomfang more interesting or challenging for the party’s errand to Thundertree, consider using the variant rule for dragons as innate spellcasters, as described in the Monster Manual:

Dragons are innately magical creatures that can master a few spells as they age, using this variant.

A young or older dragon can innately cast a number of spells equal to its Charisma modifier. Each spell can be cast once per day, requiring no material components, and the spell’s level can be no higher than one-third the dragon’s challenge rating (rounded down). The dragon’s bonus to hit with spell attacks is equal to its proficiency bonus + its Charisma bonus. The dragon’s spell save DC equals 8 + its proficiency bonus + its Charisma modifier.

As a CR 8 monster with a +2 Charisma modifier, Venomfang can master two spells of first or second level. His spell save DC is 13. Based on a green dragon’s cunning and treacherous nature, I’m inclined to think spells from the School of Enchantment would be a good fit.

Enthrall (Enchantment). When revealing himself to the party, Venomfang makes use of this spell to mesmerize characters while the dragon plays the part of the gracious and welcoming host. With the characters enthralled by Venomfang, Thundertree’s population of twig blights creep in closer for a nasty surprise.

Suggestion (Enchantment). If you find the need for a railroad, here you go. Venomfang doesn’t want to fight the party, and so he makes the suggestion that one of the characters go for a nice jog in the Neverwinter Wood located behind him. “I would like nothing more than to fight you, great warrior. But I hear the Neverwinter Wood calling your name. Run into those woods, warrior. Leg it, and do not stop until the sky darkens at gloaming.The warrior, who failed his saving throw, suddenly uses dash actions to run headlong in the direction of the woods as the rest of the party watches in disbelief. Any attempt to call after the afflicted character fails to stop them from heedlessly plunging into the Neverwinter Wood at a fast travel pace (30 miles over the 8 hour spell duration). “If you value the life of your friend,” Venomfang says with a smile and casual nod in the direction of the warrior who just disappeared beyond the tree line, “they should not be left to roam the Neverwinter Wood alone. I will permit you to leave. Do not return to Thundertree again.”

Suddenly, the characters are forced to make a decision: fight the dragon without the services of their warrior, or run after their companion until they find themselves 25-30 miles deep inside the Neverwinter Wood (at the site of whatever adventure you have planned for them there. Sharandar sounds nice this time of year).

If you want to keep things local, have the affected character run into Thundertree’s ruined store to cuddle with some giant spiders, or over to the old garrison to party with ash zombies lazing about there.

Zone of Truth (Enchantment). Chances are, several or all of the characters will be within the spells area of effect. Characters affected by this spell understand that they cannot willingly lie to Venomfang, which could lead to a really fun social encounter with the dragon as they search for ways around disclosing things best left unsaid under Venomfang’s questioning.

Spells from other schools of magic that might be a thematic fit for an encounter with Venomfang might include:

Cause Fear (Necromancy). Venomfang is not yet old enough to invoke the Frightful Presence of an adult or ancient green dragon, but with some effort, he can inspire terror in at least one creature he focuses on.

Detect Thoughts (Divination). Using this spell, Venomfang is able to divine the purpose of the character’s errand to Thundertree, though perhaps not the exact task at hand. For instance, if the party is in Thundertree to find Mirna Dendrar’s family heirloom: “You come to my town seeking…something of value. Something you do not yet own. You would not be the first thief seeking to plunder a dragon’s hoard.”

Disguise Self (Illusion). Venomfang uses this ability to hide in plain sight as some wild beast such as an elk or bison, or a wayward horse or cow. Watching the party while he is disguised, listening to their conversations, assessing their strengths, and plotting his attack.

Entangle (Conjuration). Nature has reclaimed Thundertree over the years. Grasping vines and weeds that entangle the characters at the most inopportune time when Venomfang reveals himself would fit the setting well.

Expeditious Retreat (Transmutation). If you have other plans for Venomfang in future adventures, you cannot beat a hasty retreat if the players dice are running hot, earning them a bitter for if the dragon escapes.

Thunderwave (Evocation). Venomfang’s shadow appears over the party a split second before the dragon lands heavily in their midst, sending a shock wave through the earth that rattles their bones and sends all but the most nimble sprawling to the ground to begin the combat.

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