Sildar Hallwinter arrives in Phandalin, proudly identifying himself as an agent of the Lords’ Alliance. Only, it doesn’t go over so well, since Phandalin’s residents recall their unsettling encounters with another alliance agent: Iarno Albrek.

It’s not every day a commoner gets to meet a wizard. They’re unusual and mysterious. So naturally, when Iarno Albrek arrived in Phandalin looking very much the part of a wizard, the townsfolk took an interest in him. However, many residents discovered to their dismay that they had no taste for magic after experiencing it through Albrek.

Iarno Albrek was fond of jokes at the expense of others, and often used Prestidigitation to target others.

I had been out in the hills near a week, panning for gold. Didn’t find no nuggets in the creek, so I thought I’d console myself with a bit o’ liquid gold in my tankard when I got back to town. Only that magic fella points at my beer and tells me Toblen’s beer tastes like piss. And wouldn’t you know it, the next sip I took tasted like warm piss! What? You never mind whether I’ve tasted the real thing before that!

Lanar, a miner

Outwardly, Albrek projects the facade of chivalry. But through the use of Message, a woman who becomes the object of his desire discovers his loutish nature.

That one took an uncomfortable interest in me, so it was a relief once he stopped haunting the common room here at the inn. He’d use flowery language to say the filthiest things to me. I was raised in Waterdeep’s Dock Ward, so believe me when I tell you I’ve heard it all. I’ve got a thick skin and it’s real easy for me to just walk away. But that wizard…didn’t matter where I was. He’d be sitting at his table, I’d be in the kitchen, and I would hear his vulgarities as if he were standing right next to me!

Elsa, barmaid at the Stonehill Inn

An incident between Iarno Albrek and Thel Dendrar had become the talk of the town when Dendrar had been detained by the wizard with a single gesture (Hold Person).

Nobody knows what that wizard said to Mirna, but it upset her. Her husband Thel, he’s a bit of a hot head. He spotted Albrek up the road by the Sleeping Giant and called him out for a word. Thel marched straight for that pointy-bearded bastard like he meant business. Albrek didn’t look like he had a care in the world. He held up his hand, and Thel just froze. Couldn’t move a muscle while the wizard walked up to him and said something real quiet. None of us could hear what he said, but it was plain by the look on poor Thel’s face that the words weren’t friendly.

Narth, a farmer

If you’d like to support my work, please consider downloading my latest title on the Dungeon Master’s Guild, Along The Triboar Trail: Cragmaw Country. All of my titles on Dungeon Master’s Guild are free/PWYW. Thanks for reading!

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