Characters Disguised As Redbrands

Some players may be clever and decide to use the dirty red cloaks from Tresendar Manor’s armory to engage in some subterfuge and try to pass themselves off as new recruits among the Redbrand ranks. And that’s always fun, but don’t let them off easy!

Even if the Redbrands they encounter fall for the deception, that doesn’t necessarily mean their disposition toward the characters will be friendly.

For one thing, the characters are likely to have better armor than every Redbrand they encounter. It’s no small thing for a ruffian wearing boiled leather to meet a new comrade of equal rank, swaddled in mail or holding a shield. Even studded leather armor affords additional protection, and the fact that it’s the expensive variety of leather armor would be certain to inspire bitter griping in the best scenario, and robbery in the worst.

The same goes for weapons. Just as all of the Redbrands wear standard leather armor, they’re all armed with shortswords, and nothing else. Now imagine ruffians coming across a character with a highly-coveted longsword. There are four longswords in the armory, and none of them have been issued to any of the Redbrand rank and file:

Hold up,” says the largest Redbrand, the one they call ‘Quipper,’ named for his supposed ability to drink like a fish (and that one time he bit someone’s ear off in a tavern brawl). “They let you have one of those longsword from the armory? Why do you get to have one of those longswords, rookie?”

This puts characters in a position where, despite the appearance of being a Redbrand, there’s suspicion, or worse, hostility. It’s a fun opportunity to call for further Charisma (Deception) checks. Or better yet, the perfect opportunity to call for a Charisma (Intimidation) check, and use intimidation in such a way that it was designed for.

If you’d like to support my work, please consider downloading my latest title on the Dungeon Master’s Guild, Along The Triboar Trail: Cragmaw Country. All of my titles on Dungeon Master’s Guild are free/PWYW. Thanks for reading!

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