Sister Garaele: Ghoulish Barrow Side Quest

So for the past couple of days, my thoughts have been bent upon a barrow north of Gnomengarde that’s inhabited by a pack of ghouls. The barrow’s proximity to both Phandalin and Gnomengarde is of concern to Sister Garaele.

An Elvish priestess of Tymora, Garaele journeys to the barrow by herself, with the expectation that her divine power and racial immunity to the paralyzing effect of the ghoul’s claw attack make her the candidate best suited to face the such a threat. The ensuing battle at the barrow (from which she was forced to retreat) results in Garaele returning to Phandalin “wounded and exhausted,” putting some substance behind a bit of gossip overheard at the Stonehill Inn.

If you’re looking for this particular barrow in the published adventures involving the Phandalin or the Triboar Trail, you won’t find it because I made it up. Oh, there’s the Dragon Barrow out in the grasslands west of the Neverwinter Wood, sure. But this region was formerly a part Phalorm (the Realm of Three Crowns, then later, the Fallen Kingdom), so there’s probably many ancient barrows dotting the lands between the High Road and the Long Road.

So, if the party travels to this ancient barrow to finish Garaele’s task while she focuses her attention on the disappearance of the Dendrar family, what should you use for the encounter template?

My suggestion would be Matt Colville’s Delian Tomb. Anytime I have a new group venturing to a barrow or tomb or small underground complex, the Delian Tomb is my go-to. Just swap ghouls in for the goblins that Matt populated the tomb with, and you’re good to go! It’s got six rooms. That’s it. Talk about a layup in terms of game prep!

If your party already has some levels and you need to make the encounter more challenging, in the midst of combat with the ghouls in the offering room of the barrow, describe the revolting stench that suddenly permeates the chamber as a ghast emerges from the statue room, then charges toward the combatants.

And if you want to watch the video where Matt creates the Delian Tomb, giving a basic but brilliant lecture on encounter design, you can watch the video here.

If you’d like to support my work, please consider downloading my latest title on the Dungeon Master’s Guild, Along The Triboar Trail: Cragmaw Country. All of my titles on Dungeon Master’s Guild are free/PWYW. Thanks for reading!

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