Auntie Adabra’s Side Quest: Phandalin – A Site For Sore Eyes

Tainted well water sickens several dozen townsfolk as Phandalin is afflicted by sight rot, a painful infection which causes bleeding from the eyes and eventually blinds the victim.

Sister Garaele has the divine means to help cure those with the infection, but there are only so many townsfolk suffering from the disease that she can help each day. Meaning many may go blind by the time aid can be rendered.

The community turns to Adabra Gwynn, who has skillfully treated many of Phandalin’s residents for various maladies in the past. As it turns out, Adabra knows a cure for sight rot, but it requires an ointment prepared from Eyebright, a flower only found in swamps.

Adabra does not have Eyebright in her stores, and requires a party to travel to the Mere of Dead Men to find an abundance of the flowers and bring them back to Phandalin with all due haste.

The Mere of Dead Men is little more than a day’s overland travel from Phandalin. Running a side quest like this could be used with a traditional swamp random encounter table or more descriptive, less combat-focused encounter tables such as this swamp encounter table.

Q: You might be asking: what does Auntie Adabra get out of helping the residents of Phandalin in their time of need?

A: Grateful townsfolk who continue to adore and trust the disguised annis hag, unaware of her true nature. And, the opportunity to subtly make dark bargains with the most unwell and desperate residents of Phandalin during the crisis.

If you’d like to support my work, please consider downloading my latest title on the Dungeon Master’s Guild, Along The Triboar Trail: Cragmaw Country. All of my titles on Dungeon Master’s Guild are free/PWYW. Thanks for reading!

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