Why Does Auntie Adabra Live On Umbrage Hill?

So, why would an annis hag take up residence at Umbrage Hill?

This may come as a surprise to you, but I have some thoughts:

Proximity to Phandalin. Adabra’s windmill is located in the shadow the Sword Mountains, atop a hill five miles south of Phandalin. Though not specifically stated in adventure, the faint outline of the windmill is visible from Phandalin on a clear day, and vice versa.

The townsfolk do not often think of Adabra’s windmill, which can be glimpsed from the windows of their modest homes. However, Phandalin’s residents are often in the thoughts of the annis hag who resides in the windmill, gazing down upon the town in the distance with malice in her heart.

The site of a triumph. Umbrage Hill is named for the site of a bloody battle between two feuding dwarf clans. The root of their quarrel is lost to time for all but Auntie Adabra, who once lived among the clans, toiling for years to sow the seeds of discord that would one day bloom into a blood feud.

The newly resettled Phandalin offers a fresh opportunity for Adabra to poison the minds of the townsfolk and, once again, pit neighbor vs. neighbor in the hopes of another bloodbath between good folks led down a dark path.

A source of power. Trapped within the cairns located on Umbrage Hill are the spirits of the most bloodthirsty and merciless combatants who perished in the battle all those years ago. Just as she made use of these dark souls in life, Auntie Adabra has found a use for them in death as well. Imbued with the malignant spirits of the cairns, animated scarecrows stalk the fields and meadows of unsuspecting homesteaders along the Triboar Trail.

If you’d like to support my work, please consider downloading my latest title on the Dungeon Master’s Guild, Along The Triboar Trail: Cragmaw Country. All of my titles on Dungeon Master’s Guild are free/PWYW. Thanks for reading!

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