Is Adabra Gwynn A Hag?

Wait, WAIT…hold up. Shower thought.

Is Adabra Gwynn a hag?

No really, humor me here. She’s a human commoner who lives by herself in the shadow of the Sword Mountains, five miles south of Phandalin where a young white dragon has sent the locals into a panic. There are also manticores, roaming bands of orcs, ogres, and gods know what other creatures waiting to make an appearance from the Hill or Mountain random encounter tables.

And then there’s little ol’ auntie Adabra, living by her lonesome in a windmill, refusing to shelter in Phandalin when informed there’s a white dragon in the area. And that’s right after her home was attacked by a manticore.

The lady either has a death wish or a set of balls that would make a cloud giant envious. Or perhaps there’s more to Adabra Gwynn than meets the eye?

Phandalin is prime real estate for a hag to set up shop nearby. It’s remote. It’s populated by good, hard-working folks just trying to scratch out a living for their families. And although there are only three named in the adventure, Phandalin has children (Nars, Pip, and Carp).

Hills and mountains are the domain annis hags, who can disguise themselves as medium humanoids. So why not a matronly woman who lives in a remote windmill on a hilltop faintly visible from Phandalin, for whom townsfolk and homesteaders depends upon for potions, poultices and midwifery services?

This week, let’s tease this out. As a hag, which of Phandalin’s residents would Adabra take an interest in? Why does she live on Umbrage Hill? How would she successfully hide in plain sight? What knowledge and side quests would she offer?

Be sure to check back this week as we get to the bottom of this. Thanks for reading!

If you’d like to support my work, please consider downloading my latest title on the Dungeon Master’s Guild, Along The Triboar Trail: Cragmaw Country. All of my titles on Dungeon Master’s Guild are free/PWYW. Thanks for reading!

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