Is Mirna Dendrar A Half-Elf?

Wait, WAIT…hold up. Shower thought.

Is Mirna Dendrar a half-elf?

No really, humor me here. Lost Mine of Phandelver, and its updated adaptation Phandelver and Below: The Shattered Obelisk, both take place in 1491 DR.

Mirna was a resident of Thudertree when a herd of zombies overran it in 1451 DR, forcing her family to flee their home. She remembers the precious family heirloom and where it was hidden in her family’s apothecary. At a minimum, Mirna was probably at least 12-years old at the time of these events in order for her to recall that level of detail.

That would make Mirna the 52 year-old mother of an 18 year-old daughter and 13 year-old son at the time of the adventure in 1491 DR. And hey, maybe she had put off motherhood to focus on her high-power career as a…

Pausing to put on my readers, lick my index finger, and turn through pages of the module…


Yes. It’s entirely possible. But in a medieval fantasy setting? The math is a little screwy.

There’s no official published artwork for Mirna Dendrar, so we have no way to get a look at her ears. But I have my suspicions.

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