The Nothic’s Greatest Treasure

In yesterday’s post, I discussed how a monster that trades secret and forbidden lore in exchange for magical treasure should have a decent magic treasure hoard. Based on the Nothic’s treasure chest stashed in Tresendar Manor’s crevasse, you’d never get the sense that this particular Nothic desired such things.

Since I enjoy playing with seldom used game elements, my solution was to go through the trinkets listed in the Basic Rules, choose items from the table that had magical properties, and then assign bits or lore or other plot devices to each item that serve the characters in their story rather than giving them items that would make them overpowered.

I only touched on four items, but I could have kept going. It was a fun exercise.

There was one particular trinket of a non-magical nature on the list that I would definitely consider tossing into the treasure chest, because think would work nicely for the encounter with the Nothic:

“A purple handkerchief embroidered with the name of a powerful archmage.”

Perhaps the handkerchief is the Nothic’s last worldly possession that remains to him. A token from his life prior to being afflicted by Vecna’s dark curse. Better yet, what if the name embroidered upon it was the name of the cursed arcanist? Vecna took everything from this unfortunate wizard, but he still has his name!

Though a Nothic retains no awareness of its former self, the handkerchief is the single thread that ties it to its past life. And though the Nothic does not understand why, the purple hanky is a treasure that the creature prizes above all of its other possessions.

It. Is. His. PRECIOUS.

Nothic’s are portrayed as lurkers. Content to observe. But if anyone touches the handkerchief, the Nothic flies into a rage and fights to the death.

This weekend, we’ll wrap up transforming Tresendar Manor into more of an eeevil wizard’s abode. Saturday, we’ll focus on the Wizard’s Workshop. Sunday, we’ll finish things up with Glasstaff’s Quarters. Be sure to check back!

If you’d like to support my work, please consider downloading my latest title on the Dungeon Master’s Guild, Along The Triboar Trail: Cragmaw Country. All of my titles on Dungeon Master’s Guild are free/PWYW. Thanks for reading!

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