Tresendar Manor: An Evil Wizard’s Abode (Trapped Hallway)

Continuing with yesterday’s musing that wizards who become friendly with one another probably gift each other weird shit, I think it would be on-brand for Nezznar, a native of the world below, to gift wrap a token of the underdark, slap a bow on it, and hand it to his pal from the world above, Glasstaff.

My choice for this would be a violet fungus. Much like a gelatinous cube, this malevolent morel would have utility for the eeevil wizard’s abode in the form of a guardian. A perfect place to stash it (and to keep it from endangering employees of Glasstaff LLC) would be the pit trap in the Trapped Hallway (Area 3).

I’d position the violet fungus smack dab in the middle of the pit trap and rule that if a character falls through the trapped floor, they fall onto the violet fungus, incurring just 1d6 bludgeoning damage from the resulting fall – since they’d fall onto a medium-size creature prior to falling the entire 20 feet. I’d also have them deal 1d6 bludgeoning damage to the monster when the characters falls onto it from a height of 20 feet. No need for a roll. Both inhabitants of that pit are starting with less hit points than they started with as a matter of course.

If the character doesn’t survive their battle with the violet fungus…what a way to go.

“Any creature killed by a violet fungus decomposes rapidly.”

Dungeons & Dragons Basic Rules

Definitely potential for a memorable character death.

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